Only the Delightful Things

  I really don’t like speaking of Stacie in the past tense for a few reasons. One, I miss her, and past tense phrasing reminds me that she’s gone from this earth. Two, I fully believe she’s more alive than ever, so she’s definitely not “over.” And three, for all I know, maybe she can … Read more

Powerful Men and Shaky Voices

Powerful Men and Shaky Voices   I was in my late teens and on one of my first jobs. My boss was a little too “friendly” and I asked him to stop. I was afraid to speak up to him, but in my shaky voice, I did. Soon after, although I wasn’t fired, he subtly—yet … Read more

Never Ever Give Up Hope

  “If it’s me reading the signs…” –Tiffany, from “Silver Linings Playbook”     It’s been a rough week. I’m clearly weary. I think a lot of us might be clearly weary. Outa juice, power, steam. Some days I feel like throwing my hands up in the air and saying, “Okay, I give. I’m ready … Read more

The Undoable: Love Overtaking Hate

New York Sity

  I took this photo standing on top of one of the Twin Towers. It was my first trip to NYC. I was fifteen years old. I fell in love with NYC that day and haven’t fallen out since. Today I’m thinking about all the lives lost and altered—and all loved ones devastated by that … Read more

Happy “What are you waiting for?” Day

  …Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ~Mary Oliver   It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth-and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up–that we will begin to live each … Read more

Ahhh, You Got the Shimano’s

  The other day I was lost in thought, all hunkered-down and hunched over my bike, grunting up a paved, steep residential street. I must’ve only been looking down for a good bit because I came within a centimeter of crashing into the back end of a Ford F-150. Queue sound effect for my screeching … Read more

Like I’m Saying Goodbye

This photo was taken about a thousand years ago before John and I were married. I was NorCal to his SoCal and our weekend was over; our time was up. I was headed home, even though my new home was his heart. When I hugged him goodbye, it was a thing, a breathless thing.   … Read more

Beat-down at 39,000 Feet: The Chicken Flight Fight

  Getting ready for another Central American adventure, remembering lessons learned~   Borders   I was familiar with The Chicken Flight. Pollo Campero is Central America’s answer to KFC, and many Guatemalans like to pick up a bucket when they’re flying out. I loved my work with IMA, the girls’ school in Guatemala City, so … Read more


Hallmark It’s Valentine’s Day here in Jamaica. My husband, John, and I awoke to the sound of pounding waves and reggae. He had just gotten up to go the bathroom so I hopped out of bed and grabbed the ruby-red, wrapped gift I’d hidden in my luggage. I placed it on the covers, tucked the … Read more

Celebration Flowers and Forever Circles

  “Live for yourself, you live in vain; live for others, you live again.” –Bob Marley   The early buds of fuchsia and blush are blooming in the front courtyard at my home. Soon, the brick walkway will be covered like a floral carpet. Last year I reminded my husband, John, to remind the gardeners, … Read more