This new book is about teensy-weensy firecracker love. . .
. . . love that, when ignited, produces a burst of fireworks and lights up someone’s dark night. It’s about feet-on-the-ground, sky’s-the-limit, life-changing, world-engaging, mustard-seed love that grows from a hunch, an idea, a nudging from above—and then blossoms in a heart willing to act on its sometimes-wobbly faith.
Such audacious, underestimated love—like the little engine that could from childhood—just keeps chugging along over “impossible” hills, shrugging off the naysayers, imagining the view from the top. The difference is: this tenacity in the human heart is what turns seeming underdogs and ragamuffins like ourselves into influencers and game changers, right in our own communities, workplaces, homes . . . or wherever we go in the world.
May Pamela Capone’s often-hilarious observations and always-engaging experiences put a little fuel in your tank to help you get up and over, so you can see that all things are indeed possible . . . if you believe that Love can.
By day a self-professed professional unpaid people watcher and evidence gatherer, and by night an insomniac dot connector, Pamela Capone lives in Southern California with her husband, John. They have two fabulous adult children together, Joey and Cassie, and two phenomenal grandchildren, Brooks and Matilda.
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These stories pack a punch!
When life is messy and you write essays, you get “messays” (messy+essay=messay). In her collection of personal, nonlinear, stand-alone stories, you will not only be entertained by her colloquial, quirky style, but you'll discover surprising truths. Putting her “quirk to work,” she blends humor and depth. This easy, transparent read will appeal to anyone looking for a little downtime.
Key themes are seizing the day, humanity, grace, faith and messages from a higher power. Some of the true-life stories are downright hilarious, and a few are piercingly poignant, revealing old truths with fresh insight. Mostly they are about receiving understanding in the nonsense, epiphanies in unexpected places, redemption in everyday life. She shows that revelation from above can come in many ways—a gardener’s humble truck, an overlapper on a plane, a subway musician, a little boy who needs his button buttoned, a self-inflicted black eye. The more you believe it’s possible, the more it is.
If you dig a little in an average day, you too can find the gold nuggets—and don’t we all need that?