
Tillamook Marionberry Pie Ice Cream

Thanksgiving is coming up. I’ve been profusely blessed and given outrageous grace. So here’s my list that merely skims the surface. The straight from the trunk, the creamy, teensy-bit-melted, scraped off-with-the-spoon top layer of the Dreyers vanilla ice cream. Also, I’m apparently now obsessed with Tillamook’s Marionberry Pie and Udderly Chocolate. Freshly laundered white sheets—the … Read more

I Know How Stars Are Born

Image of the galaxy

“We are stars—born of fire, wind—born into the chaos…” I have eight examples of them around me—they’re my siblings. Having experienced places like MacLaren Hall, in and out of good and bad foster homes, they’ve lived inside the eye of the storm. They were formed into stars, and chose who they wanted to be. They … Read more

I Punched Myself in the Eye

My book, I Punched Myself in the Eye is coming soon to Amazon! I Punched Myself in the Eye is a collection of personal, non-linear, stand-alone essays. Some are downright silly, some are funny with a message, and a few are serious. Mostly they are about receiving understanding in the nonsense, epiphanies in unexpected places, … Read more

The Mermaid Tale

Getting in my car in basically my jammies, I hit the 5 before five and beat the early-morning Los Angeles traffic. I’d packed my toiletries and clothes I’d need for my commercial audition in Hollywood and was getting myself ready at the Sunset Boulevard 24-Hour Fitness, above the Archlight movie theatre. Standing in front of … Read more

Side by Side

New York Sity

From the top of the tower, I took this photo with my Kodak Instamatic. Have you noticed? The one-one in September 11 looks like the Twin Towers, or two people standing side by side. At fifteen and about to be a sophomore in high school, I stood on the shoulders of the Twin Towers. I … Read more

Elephant Ears

It’s very shawarma out. I’m sweating and elbowing my way through the throng at Portland’s Saturday Market, headed back to Cassie’s riverfront apartment. I realize I have sugary elephant ears all over my mouth and chin. I calculate how long ago I’d eaten the sweet street food and it had been a while. I lick … Read more

Joie de vivre

Collage of 4 funny dog photos

Joie de vivre [(zhwah duh veev -ruh, veev)]: A love of life. From the French, meaning “joy of living.” If you have a couple of kids, it’s never fair to compare; to do so can only cause harm. They are individuals and should be respected as such. But canines and felines are altogether different beasts, … Read more

One Way Ticket to Portland (first and maybe last installment. I just don’t know.)

Main Character of Portlandia

Welcome to the first post of my new blog/website. HotpepperSpamwiches went to whole blog heaven. This new site is currently under construction, like my character on some (or most) days. For now, here are some notes on my trip to Portland, late May to who knows. While it is a beautiful, unique city with fabulous … Read more