Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas   A film that covers three days where scenes are sequenced backward and the story unfolds in reverse, ala “Memento:” Christmas Eve, 2022, we were on the phone with a funeral home making arrangements. The day before that, I was sitting at my dad’s kitchen table playing Rummikub with him when we … Read more


This L.R. Knost quote is a powerful and freeing truth bomb. I’ve lived this way. Not that life had been easy—because it never has been—but noticing beauty had always been easy and routine for me. Underneath a cape, maybe I thought it was a superpower. Now I consider there was perhaps a sort of arrogant … Read more

Surprise Gift on Dispirit Airlines: The Bickertons

Surprise Gift on Dispirit Airlines: The Bickertons   Sometimes a gift is wrapped in a prickly porcupine. Or a hedgehog. As a rule, I get those two mixed up. Maybe the Bickertons were one of each, which might explain their combative, openly caustic relationship. The Hatfields and McCoys hook up. I was on the aisle, … Read more

But Charlie Brown, it’s Thanksgiving

But Charlie Brown, it’s Thanksgiving   It was a very low moment during our free stay at the Residence Inn by Marriott. The feels: Okay, imagine Lucy and Charlie Brown. Lucy has the football. Charlie Brown wants to trust Lucy. Lucy invariably pulls the cruel gag. I heard the chirp and looked at my phone. … Read more

Patty at the CVS

Patty at the CVS   At this point, the front-of-the-store cashier, Patty, had thanked me a least four times for my patience. I have to admit, she seemed impressed. I wanted to tell her that after you bury a child, things like waiting too long in a store are hollow. I wouldn’t say I’m patient, … Read more

The Last Name

  The Last Name   I whispered it in the theatre, but I needed to raise my volume to correct the actor Patrick Dempsey. We were privileged to see an advance screening of “Ferrari” in Vegas. I did not know the backstory of the Italian race car driver and entrepreneur. I just knew the sight, … Read more

Near Death: Take Away

Near Death:  Take Away   The night preceding the morning I got the phone call that the “end” might be approaching for my dad (we have had other false alarms), John and I just happened to go see the film, “After Death.” Within five minutes of walking through the door at home, returning from the … Read more

Hipsters Didn’t Make Beanies Cool

Hipsters Didn’t Make Beanies Cool   Hipsters didn’t make knit beanies cool, my dad did. Even in the sweltering Central Valley summer heat, as long as I can remember, he wore a beanie. I never thought it was odd. His ensemble of choice was his beanie, white T-shirt, torn blue jeans, and work boots. Yesterday … Read more

The Wide Open

The Wide Open   I’m getting more and more familiar with riding on Portland’s bikeways—bustling urban streets, whoop-de-do hilly neighborhoods, gravel-sand-dirt-mud, and smooth-ish, paved “protected” bike paths. I see acute angles and vibrant, pulsing juxtapositions. Life as it is. Picturesque rivers and breathtaking, rushing creeks and heartbreaking encampments. My eyes are filled with the sites … Read more

Walking With a Limp

Walking With a Limp I missed church this past Sunday and so I listened to the message online yesterday. A day late and right on time. The subject matter covered a very question I have had on my mental notepad—something I’ve been meaning to ask my pastor about: wrestling/struggling with God and specifically why God … Read more