I rode to the top of Whiting Ranch and got an ocean view.
I came home and immediately began making bread.
Nearing the end of my 4-hour shift, I was drawn to the audible viewer discretion warning from the CNN anchor perched atop my fridge.
The warning was merited. The clip made me weep.
I looked back down at my cornucopia of carbs.
A few weeks ago, a section of the sidewalk was covered in what looked like miscellaneous items and piles of clothes. On my bike route home, I noticed the stockpile remained unchanged for several days. Then, one day, I saw a woman casually holding up a sweater as if she were shopping.
On Thanksgiving Day, a friend told me she and some friends handed out cheeseburgers to people living on the cold streets. One person accepted the burger and asked if they had any socks to give. One of the burger-bearers removed his socks and gave them to the woman.