What Do I Wear?
At the bottom of Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State, there’s a jungly showcase—lush towers of green. Bottom to top, seamless, monochromatic, intricately adorned trees dressed by Nature’s Tailor. Trunk after trunk bear tangled arms and fingers that reach out one to another in majestic hand-holding. Many engaged in a sweet embrace, they flaunt bespoke suits of emerald pelt, some of which bring Jim Carrey’s “Grinch” furry arms and shoulders to mind. Which makes me smile.
This is good.
I’m no horticulturist, but even I know: Rain did this.
So. Much. Rain.
Help me go this route, God, and not the alternative. I know both are possible. Turn me into beautifying, velvety moss, and not strangulating, toxic mold.
No pictures because no picture would do justice.
Make my life worthy of such a display.